Analisa’s Journey: Saying “No, Thank You” to a Broadway Show + Leaving NYC

Soulful Ambition Podcast

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Inside this episode Analisa opens up about: 

  • Touring with a musical until 6 months pregnant
  • Having a baby during the pandemic
  • Turning down a Broadway show
  • Making the decision to leave NYC 
  • What her deepest calling is now

After a 3 year hiatus, A Balancing Act is back. 

Analisa didn’t know if there ever would be another season, but a couple months ago something within made it clear that it was time. She has A LOT to share and in this first episode back she picks right up where she left off in Season 3, on the national tour of Hello, Dolly! three years ago and how she’s ended up in the suburbs of Denver, Colorado.

March 7, 2024

Analisa Leaming

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