Analisa’s Soulful Ambition: From Stage to Soulful Coaching

Soulful Ambition Podcast

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Episode Highlights: 

  • The Business Side of Analisa’s Work
  • Changing career paths
  • Investing in support 
  • Trusting yourself 
  • Listening to your Inner Voice 

The tables are turned and Analisa is the guest! This week’s episode was originally aired on the podcast Business Witch where Analisa was the guest. She loved the discussion with the host and her business coach, Cara Kovacks, and decided to share it on Soulful Ambition. 

Analisa pulls the curtain back on her business and the rebrand, including her own fears and insecurities and how she moved through them. 

Cara and Analisa delve into the challenges people face in believing in their dreams, such as societal conditioning and personal fears. Analisa shares her own experiences of reaching the top of her career and realizing that it didn’t define her identity. She highlights the significance of detaching self-worth from external achievements and finding fulfillment through authentic self-expression.

This podcast is the permission you didn’t know you were waiting for to make a change, take the leap, and pursue your own Soulful Ambition! 

Soulful Ambition is a show for big dreamers about choosing to live inside out & acting upon your deepest longings. From starting your dream business to starring on Broadway, from sacred activism to being a radiant, aligned parent and everything in between. The manifestation of your desires is your destined path and the medicine and magic that the world needs.

May 28, 2024

Analisa Leaming

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Victoria K.

"I am IN LOVE with this podcast!! Every time I listen, I feel so inspired, uplifted and motivated to live a better life and shine my light more."

"I’m obsessed!!"

K.G. Murphy

"I fell in love with this podcast within minutes of listening. If you are in need of some inspiration or a reminder that you are not alone, this is the podcast for you! "

"Inspiring, Healing, and Informative!"